Sacai FW18

With her FW18 presentation, Sacai’s Chitose Abe proved to be a master of her craft. Not just in the sense that she very well understands the art of tailoring, proportions and the powerful effect that the proper interplay of colours and patterns can have on a piece, but also in the sense that she is able to effortlessly blend all of these together in a perfectly chaotic way.

What other designer, past or present would have been able to visualise, let alone pull off blending a puffer, a bomber and a tailored jacket? Such skill also requires an amazing understanding of the female form and of movements and the effect both of these can have on a garment.

With hybrid pieces sure to become the next big thing (if only for the sake of repurposing old designs among smaller fashion houses), Sacai is sure to reign supreme.

Check out the show here.


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