Marina Abramović Is Working On An Opera

After 30 years of being in the works and initially intended to be a film, Marina Abramović is turning her Seven Deaths project into an opera which is slated to open in Munich in 2020. The piece sees the artist in the role of Maria Callas dying in seven different operas.

On the exciting project, Abramović noted in an interview with Art Newspaper: “I have been thinking about this romantic idea of dying for love for a long time,” adding that Callas also “died of a broken heart.” She further stated on the idea of death: “I am so conscious that this is the last part of my life, how much time do you really have, and how do you translate what you have done in your life for future generations. This concerns me a lot.”

In its original format, a film, the concept had garnered interest from high-profile directors that included Roman Planski and Alejandro González Iñárritu.

Image via Wikimedia.

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