Wilma’s World: Good Advice from a Good Dog | Book

Rae Dunn’s life is filled with serendipitous events, including how she found her career in ceramics and as a writer. “I was in Golden Gate Park and I saw this beautiful cobblestone building,” say Dunn, a Bullard High School gradate. She was drawn inside and found a community art center where she started taking clay and ceramics classes 23 years ago. Although she’d studied industrial design at Fresno State and worked in fashion and graphics design for many years, Dunn had never worked with clay. As soon as she took her first class, she fell in love with the medium. Today, not only does she produce a line of home decor products for Magenta, a Berkeley manufacturing and distribution company, but she also creates one-of-a-kind pieces that she sells through her Berkeley studio. Clay’s not the only form of artistic expression that Dunn found without really trying. For the past decade, she’s been taking thousands of pictures of her dog, Wilma. The photos, originally just for her, have now been turned into a collection for a book, “Wilma’s World: Good Advice from a Good Dog” Get your copy HERE wilmas-world  

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