An Unexpected Fashion Story

Curator Didier Vervaeren has put together the ultimate overview of Belgian fashion history at this mega-exhibition at BOZAR. Starting with the Antwerp Six (including Dries van Noten, Walter Van Beirendonck, and Ann Demeulemeester), and continuing onto the contemporary designers such as Martin Margiela, A.F. Vandevorst, and Raf Simons, the exhibition attempts to summarize what may be the “Belgian fashion spirit,” from its surreal humor, avant-garde spirit, and political and sexual explicitness. The exhibition also places Belgian fashion in a broader cultural context, highlighting productive exchanges between these designers and their contemporaries in art, photography, and media.

Like many exhibitions at BOZAR it feels a bit rushed and unfocused, overly simplifying the story in order to tie it together neatly before the time runs out. But think of it as an equivalent of a light summer read, a Reader’s Digest into the exciting landscape of Belgian fashion.

Until September 13, 2015 at BOZAR


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