Happy Happy Joy Joy

The turbulent streets, rich flavors and bright colors of Asia, typical for cities like Bangkok, Saigon and Hong Kong, come together in Amsterdam. Steaming pans, sizzling barbecues and hot woks in the large open kitchen are at the heart of Happyhappyjoyjoy. Discover this new hangout with a menu of sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. Happyhappyjoyjoy is a new restaurant on the Bilderdijkstraat in Amsterdam. At Happyhappyjoyjoy you will find everything that makes you happy in Asia. Once inside, you can’t help but smile. The new restaurant in west of Amsterdam is a cheerful collection of colors and typical Asian flavors. This playful, organized eclectic chaos is inspired by the typical Asian local markets and busy streets, and it will make you feel like you’re right in the middle of it all. Bon apetit! http://happyhappyjoyjoy.asia/en/
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