Fashion Forward, Paris

The Musée des Arts Décoratifs celebrates the 30th anniversary of its fashion collection with a major exhibition held in its nave, entitled “Fashion Forward, three centuries of fashion (1715-2015)”. This exhibition responds to a demand from the general public for a collection which encompasses several centuries of fashion history. It also gives the museum the opportunity to highlight its particular strengths and remind visitors of its particular appeal. This is a national collection of fashion and textiles housed within the Museum of Decorative Arts with a close connection to other sections of the museum, with its myriad and varied exhibits. 300 items of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing dating from the 18th century to the present day have been arranged and grouped together to create a unique chronological display in which dresses and costumes can be admired in a period setting alongside works of art and furniture arranged by the choreographer Christopher Wheeldon. Until August 14 at Les Arts décoratifs, Paris

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