WiseWear x Iris Apfel

She’s bold. She’s fierce. She’s the 94-year-old style icon who’s designing your next wearable. Meet Iris Apfel, the new face of WiseWear. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this feisty fashionista, you’ve probably come across her unforgettable face at some point – it’s often adorned with those iconic, thick-rimmed spectacles. Or you’ve probably heard someone mention her as “that lady with the glasses.” Perhaps you’ve seen her charming documentary IRIS (if you haven’t, it’s now being featured on Netflix). For the past 60-something years, Iris has graced the world with her artistic talent and impeccable taste. Her career set off in 1950 when she and her husband launched Old World Weavers, a restorational textile company. Together they traveled the world, shopping for fabrics while simultaneously building Iris’ eccentric collection of one-of-a-kind accessories and fashion pieces. She also served as an interior designer for the White House for nearly half a century, working with the wives of nine presidents.

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