Naomi Campbell Speaks Out On British Vogue’s Lack Of Diversity

Naomi Campbell has taken to her Instagram account to criticise British Vogue’s lack of diversity. She shared a photo, taken from the British edition of the September issue, which showed a predominantly white female staff. “This is the staff photo of British Vogue under the previous editor Alexandra Shulman. Looking forward to an inclusive and diverse staff now that Edward Enninful is the editor. Let’s hear your thoughts?” wrote Campbell under the post. Note that she was appointed contributing editor at the British title last month, by her longtime friend Enninful. The post was met with a lot of praise, likes and comment from followers who include activist Livia Firth. Followers noted how they haven’t been able to relate to the content of the magazine for years and showed enthusiasm at the shift in direction by Enninful’s appointment. Edward Enninful has pushed for diversity throughout his career and since being named editor he has highlighted his commitment of making the pages of British Vogue more diverse.

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