Dior Launches Love Chain Initiative

Dior have launched a new charitable initiative, called “Love Chain” to support education of young women in Kenya. The program features a three minute video starring Natalie Portman, Johnny Depp, Carine Roitfeld and more answering the question: “And you, what would you do for love?”. The idea being that mere mortals like ourselves should post our answers with the hashtag #diorlovechain and then nominate others to answer the same question. Dior will donate $1 to the WE Charity  program in Kenya, which aims to give education to young girls there. On the program, Dior’s Claude Martinez said the celebrities and ambassadors really rose to the challenge. “It’s rather moving,” he said, adding: “I think [people] will have 100 times more creativity in their response, and it’s this creativity we are after,” Martinez continued. “It’s in the spirit of the times [to] give people a voice.” In addition to the online campaign, three hand-painted murals in the U.S. — in New York’s SoHo, and Los Angeles’ Venice neighbourhood and Melrose Avenue have just been put up saying “And You, What Would You Do for Love?” The Dior Love Chain was kicked off on August 25th and has already garnered more than 7,000 views on YouTube.

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