Bird covers – protect what you love

As human beings, protection is in our nature. We protect what we consider valuable, the ones who are in need, and we choose as a brand to protect our community. Bird Covers is here to make the difference, to deconstruct the way we deal with adversity. Bird Covers is here to offer the opportunity to resignify hard conditions and to guarantee that there is no reason to be afraid of the rain because no storm is dangerous if you feel safe. Now available at Azzurro Due Amsterdam.

Bird Covers is a company with a female founder, freedom and independence are deeply engraved within their core values. Theyt take the responsibility of reshaping the world into our their hands. From the very first product, Bird Covers tries and creates a safe space that protects women from difficult backgrounds. Their atelier is managed by an all-female team who all overcame challenging conditions in their previous lives. Now, BIRD provides them with new skills and opportunities, as well as a safe working environment.

Bird Covers is not just a rain cover for luxury bags. They are much more than that.
Bird Covers is an independent accessories brand that was born from a necessity and evolved into a bigger cause. Bird Covers is protection in essence. Protection to what we consider precious, against what we are afraid of. Rain, wind, harsh conditions. You name it.

Bird Covers is not just an essential accessory; they are an everyday choice. And Bird Covers chooses, as a brand, to incorporate the concept that was born with their first product into everything that shall come after. And most importantly, into how they work and who they work with. So we are very proud to have the Bird Covers in our carefully curated collection.

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