Honor the rain

Let’s face it, we don’t like rain, dot. We are more the ‘clear blue sky’ kinda type, clear. But what if we tell you that from now on you can bare the rain fashionable? Aha, we got your attention. Meet By Brown, the award winning Rain Dress. Now we are longing for the rain… The Rain Dress By Brown has been acknowledged with the famous Silver A’ Design Award “Besides keeping your clothes dry, the Rain Dress is perfect for urban fashion lovers. The Rain Dress has a unique silhouette that combines style and functionality. It is the first raincoat ever to be especially engineered for wearing on bikes. This user-friendly lightweight coat dries quickly after use and fits into its own pouch. It is 100% waterproof, wind proof and made out of a sustainable, breathable fabric. We sincerely believe it will encourage woman to always take the bike, this is healthy for the user but also for the planet” Ladies we got a winner and she is for sale at Azzurro Due. vrijdag 28 november 005_20141128203510206

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